Chronic respiratory infections have been one of the main causes of death in the United States
Nowadays pharmaceutical giants produce many different products, with which people can be treated, but we must be aware that for centuries people have used natural remedies to treat respiratory diseases. Here are some of them.
Natural Pharmacy: 9 Herbs You Should Have at Home
Warm salt water gargling
Warm water in combination with salt soothes throat as reduce the amount of mucus on sensitive membranes and reduce inflammation. Put a teaspoon salt in a glass of hot water but be careful not to overdo with salt as this can cause burning in the throat.
They are rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium, which have very good curative effect against respiratory diseases. Consume them in any form except in chocolate.
They help to remove bacteria and mucus from the respiratory system. Add to a glass of hot water one slice of lemon and leave it for 5 minutes. Strain and drink the liquid. For sore throat, add to a cup of warm water a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and do gargle with liquid.
Add half a teaspoon in a savory cup of boiling water and drink once a day the mixture.
Thyme helps to cleanse the bronchioles and acts as a shield against bacteria. The herb strengthens the lungs and can be used for tea or steam bath.
Garlic is one of the Strongest Healing Products
It can be consumed tea and has expectorant action. Shred a few bay leaves and put them in hot water. Another way you can take advantage of the health benefits of bay leaves, like the leaves soak in warm water and then apply them on the chest and paws. Cover the top with a towel to keep the heat longer.
Honey and Onions
To relieve cough cut onion in a bowl and then pour the honey. Leave to stand overnight and then remove the onions from the mixture. Take four times a day, one teaspoon of honey.
Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com
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