Monday, October 22, 2012

Psychology of NIGHTMARES

Scientists claim that everyone dreams but not everyone remember their dreams

May be these people are not ready to accept their fears and secret desires even is symbolic form.

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Nightmares can teach us how to cope with different problems in life

At the same time people who frequently have nightmares have specific features. According to scientists they more often listen to their internal voice, have more vivid imagination and their thoughts often are negative even if they don’t realize it. Huge part of these people is very open and fragile people.
According to Professor Patricia Garfield there are 12 plots for nightmare dreams. One of the most common ones is when people are lost or was deceived. Another one is nightmares with falls and those when people feel uncomfortable from people around or how is dressed (or not dressed). Important are also nightmares with injuries.

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Group of Italian scientists found out that while dreaming people can learn how to deal with extreme situations. Italian experts reached this conclusion as they researched the symptoms of so called REM disorder – disorder of sleep which is always connected with aggressive attitude.
Patients, who suffer from REM disorder, are aggressive while sleeping and can harm themselves or other around them. For example, men broke through the wall of his bedroom another started shooting, third one tried to jump through the window and another one fired his own bed.
Some of the patients tried to suffocate their wives. Interesting is the fact that these people are not aggressive in their everyday life. Also except from sleeping disorder they didn’t have other psychological problems.

Less sleep = less memory
While trying to understand the reasons for these disorders Italian scientists form University “San Raffaele” found that these patients often have dreams full of violence and often have dreams with animals.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

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