The reason animal products trigger inflammation in the body within hours of consumption is thought to be due to the residual bacterial toxins that survive the cooking process. This is all detailed in my Care2 article Why Meat Causes Inflammation. The saturated animal fat then helps ferry these endotoxins across the gut wall into our bloodstream. As concluded in a 2012 review, “while the most obvious solution to metabolic endotoxemia appears to be to reduce saturated fat intake, the Western diet is not conducive to this mode of action, and it is difficult for patients to comply with this request.” Thus, researchers have looked to wild animals for less inflammatory meat options.
Wild pheasants, for example, have been found to have significantly less saturated fat than farmed pheasants, so one would assume wild pheasant meat would trigger less inflammation. This concept wasn’t put to the test until recently. In my 3-min. video, Modern Meat Not Ahead of the Game, I profile a study performed by a group of Australian researchers that compared the amount of inflammation triggered by domesticated animal meat to wild kangaroo meat.
They found that eating kangaroos did trigger an inflammatory response, but not as much as the store-brought meat. This would suggest that venison, for example, would cause less inflammation than chicken, but the way in which the deer is killed makes a difference. See my video pick above for the results of a study that raised food safety concerns about conventional ammunition. Note, lead has also been found in protein powder supplements, ayervedic medicine supplements, and other animal products. Like mercury in tuna, no level of lead consumption can be considered safe.
For more depth, the inflammatory effects of animal foods are explored in my 3-part video series:
- The Leaky Gut Theory of Why Animal Products Cause Inflammation
- The Exogenous Endotoxin Theory
- Dead Meat Bacteria Endotoxemia
Most whole plant foods are anti-inflammatory–see:
- Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidants
- Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Purple Potatoes
- Dietary Treatment of Crohn’s Disease
- Fighting Inflammation in a Nut Shell
- Fighting Inflammation With Food Synergy
- Garden Variety Anti-Inflammation
In health,
Michael Greger, M.D.
PS: If you havent yet, you can subscribe to my videos for free by clicking here and watch my full 2012 presentation Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death.
Image credit: LouisvilleUSACE / Flickr
The Real Paleo Diet
Why is Unsafe Meat Legal?
FDA-Approved Virus Meat Additive
Read more: Eating for Health, Health, Vegan, Vegetarian, Videos, Dr. Michael Greger, hunting,, wild game
Source : care2[dot]com
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