Sunday, October 21, 2012

See the Most DEVASTATING Epidemics in History

Epidemic from Asian flu takes around 2 million victims in 1957-1958, as initially it appears in Asia and fast spreads in U.S

Ebola virus is first registered in 1976 near Republic of Congo. Ebola fever is one of the most dangerous known to humanity – from the virus die between 50 and 90% of all sick. The disease is highly contagious and there is still no vaccine for it. It is considered as one of the most agonizing virus diseases known to the science. Form its discovery are known 1900 contaminated people, 1300 have died from the virus.

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Ebola virus is the deadliest  virus known to humanity

Cholera appears first in India as in 1816-1817 it strikes Europe and then appears in different places all around the world. There are known seven cholera epidemics. Some specialists claim that they may be eight. The last one is in 1961. The disease is called “the scourge of 19 century”.
Spanish flu reaches a rate of pandemic and strikes all parts of the world in 1918-1919 and takes more human lives that First World War. Between 20 and 40 million people die from Spanish flu and some historic data show that there may be even 50 million.
One of the most horrible epidemics known to the humanity us plagues one. Data show that it appears first in Egypt in 540-541 year. Between 540 and 700 more than 50% of the population of Europe became victim of so called Bubonic plague.

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Plague appears again many years later, in 1300, as in this period it comes from Asia and strikes Europe in 1348 so it is called pandemic. After striking the Old continent “black death” takes 20 million victims for 6 years. Known with different names in different historic period form its first appearance plague takes more than 200 million human lives.
Not less dangerous is smallpox. From pre-historic times till 1977 have date for cases of smallpox. In 1980 this deadly disease is declared as eradicated from the world and only n 20 century smallpox have taken 350-400 million human lives.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

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