The pillars of good health are: good food, exercise and strawberry daiquiri
It seems to you that the third pillar is shaken badly? It turns out it’s not as bad as you think.
One of the common findings in the latest medical research is that moderate alcohol consumption can improve health and extend life. Or that does not affect the leading causes of death, says Eric Rome, a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health.
This finding was made after comparing the results of different studies on the links between diet and the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart attack. For 15 years the scientist examines the impact of alcohol on health. They came to the summary that one cup of light alcohol several times a week can help the heart to stimulate the intellect and even melt the fat laid around his waist.
But before you get stuck in a newly opened bottle alibi – “treatment”, keep in mind that moderation is the key to benefits. This means more than one drink per day for women and two for men.
Five good reasons to pour a cup the edition lists “Live Strong” and thick emphasizes that drinking increases the risk of disease and premature death. And that women get drunk faster because the specifics for hormonal metabolize alcohol differently than men.
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Elixir for heart health
Red wine has long been considered a gift from the gods, which helps the heart to do its work without rest. The risk of heart disease may be limited from 25 to 40 percent, according to the findings of 100 different studies that the Harvard School of Public Health compared the.
The protective mechanism is partly positive effects of alcohol on the good (HDL) cholesterol in the blood. Larger amounts of this substance reduces the risk of plaque formation, and hence the probability of attack. At the same time, it seems lower bad (LDL) cholesterol – the culprit narrowing of the arteries. The most conscientiously doing the job wines intense red color. The explanation is that they contain more antioxidants than any other alcoholic beverage. Just remember to plug back into the bottle neck at the latest after the second glass.
Actually, better heart health affect all types of alcohol – wine, beer, juice concentrates, provided they are in moderation, Professor Rome is convinced by the results of 34 studies in different countries.
And the data are surprisingly similar across the world. Will not exceed the useful dose if you stick to the standard for the type of glasses – they are sized to contain equivalent amounts of alcohol wise, he explained.
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Boost metabolism
Forget the bad reputation of the beer belly – the stingy doses drink can help in the battle against excess weight. Research between nearly 20,000 middle-aged women which lasted 13 years showed that participants who pampered with 3-4 cups a week, less accumulated fat than those who don’t drink at all. Furthermore, women who drank moderate amounts tend to eat less, according to the study director Lu Wang. The most obvious difference was in the amount of sweets that representatives of both groups gobble.
Scientists believe that regular but modest consumption markedly optimize metabolism, in contrast to its behavior when drinking more. The conclusion is in favor of connoisseurs – keep calories in check without sacrificing enjoyment. Confirmation and ending at the time of study habits and health of more than 70,000 nurses in the 8-year period – those who have collected an average of half to one drink a day were weaker. The findings coincide with those of other teams – the acceleration of the base metabolism with a glass of alcohol offset the minor increase in calories from drinks.
ffset the minor increase in calories from drinks.
Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com
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