This article is part of our series of materials dedicated to artificial sweeteners
What the lesser evil is– sugar, called “black death” or its “healthy” alternative – artificial sweeteners which can also cause numerous health problems.
This is extremely difficult choice having in mind that both can harm our health.
Artificial Sweeteners – the Insidious Poison
First of all you should know that neither sugar, nor artificial sweeteners are poisons if you consume them in moderation.
Americans consume sugar average on 22 tea spoons sugar only on breakfast. Canadians consume 14 tea spoons sugar. And this is really scary statistics.
We all know the harm of sugar on our health – higher “bad” cholesterol, bigger risk of heart diseases, diabetes, kidney problems, problems with bones and eye problems.
So many people think that if they turn to artificial sweeteners this will make them healthier. But positives of artificial sweeteners are really controversial. Actually there are even more researches on artificial sweeteners than on many medications. There are around 100 researches on Sucralose – (E955), which is discovered in 1976. The problem is that artificial sweeteners affect our eating habits which inevitably affect our health.
For example diet soft drinks make people think that “eliminate” calories in hamburgers and French fries. And what is the point to order diet soda in combination with 3 hamburgers, 2 portions French fries and 3 donuts.
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Sometimes foods with artificial sweeteners even make us eat more. The reason is that instead of instead satiate the need of the body for sweet, only fueling the appetite for it.
Moreover, there is no evidence that artificial sweeteners somehow help weight loss.
So if you are wondering whether to choose sugar or artificial sweeteners (unless you have a disease that you explicitly prohibit eating it), better rely on sugar, but in moderation. 22 tablespoons a day are not at all acceptable amount. And as to eating sweet things – always choose fruit and dark chocolate, especially hazelnuts, oranges and pears. Do not frown! Sounds delicious!
What is your choice – sugar or artificial sweetener?
Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com
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