Thursday, October 18, 2012

Top 12 Foods that Cause Inflammation

Everyday foods like bacon, eggs, coffee and dairy products are linked to inflammation. That might not sound like a big deal but when you consider that most chronic conditions like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and obesity have been linked to inflammation. Low grade inflammation is a factor in most health issues.  And if you suffer a pain disorder, you better believe that inflammatory foods will aggravate the condition.

Try reducing your consumption of these foods with the goal of eliminating them completely. The same holds true for alcohol and fried foods – both of these have been known to irritate and worsen arthritis

Many common foods in the Standard North American Diet can cause or exacerbate inflammation in the body.

Here are my picks for the top 12 inflammatory foods:

1.  What I call the “3 Ps”–Processed, packaged, or prepared foods. And, yes, fast food is atop the list of inflammatory foods thanks to the harmful oils, sugar and artificial sweeteners, food additives, and a whole host of nasty ingredients.

2.  Hydrogenated and trans fats found in margarine, shortening, lard or products made with them. That includes baked goods, cookies, pies, buns. Of course there are healthier alternatives to these baked goods but most grocery stores and bakeries are using these harmful ingredients.

3.  Meat (not wild-caught fish). I’m not suggesting that you have to go vegan or vegetarian here although a plant-based diet tends to be much lower in inflammatory substances but meat and poultry tend to cause inflammation so make them the background of your meals not the main dish.

Keep reading to discover more inflammatory foods…

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Read more: ADHD, Aging, Allergies, Alzheimer's, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Cholesterol, Cold and Flu, Colitis, Crohn's & IBS, Conditions, COPD, Diabetes, Diet & Nutrition, Eating for Health, Eczema, Food, General Health, Headaches, Healthy Aging, Heart & Vascular Disease, High Blood Pressure, Michelle Schoffro Cook, Multiple Sclerosis, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Psoriasis, Vegan, Vegetarian, arthritis, buckwhat, cancer, dairy, diabetes, Dr. Cook, fast food, fibromyalgia, food additive, foods that cause inflammation, gluten, gluten-free grains, heal naturally, health, health problems, healthy living, hydrogenated fats, inflammation, inflammation-causing foods, inflammatory foods, Michelle Schoffro Cook, millet, obesity, packaged food, processed food, quinoa, reduce inflammation, trans fats, wheat, World's Healthiest Diet

Source : care2[dot]com

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