Monday, October 22, 2012

Efficient Anti-Stress Tricks

Stress is all around – at work, at home, as we drive, while waiting in the market, on the street

It is really important to have the right point of view and not to let stress to control you.
Here are some effective anti-stress tricks:

See the BEST Tips for Happiness

anti-stress tricks

Yoga will help you to relieve stress

Really good massage will relax you both physically and mentally. For better effect massage should be made with warm massage oil to calm down and sleep better.
Swimming or bath
Swimming or long hot bath is amazing cure against stress. While swimming the body saturates with oxygen which is really relaxing. Flowing water takes the tension and make us feel really light as a feather.
Dancing, sport, walking in the nature
Be more active and you will be less stressed. Moving is essential for energy boosting. Physical activity and fresh air will help you to feel better and to throw away all negative emotions. Even only short jog in the park will make you feel great. Try it – it is awesome!

9 Tips How to Lead Life without Stress
It is not by chance that there is whole therapeutic course for laughing therapy. Laughing is amazing way to make life better and overcome stressful situations easily. Laughing stimulates release of endorphins – hormone of happiness and people feel calm and happy and there is no clue of stress. So laugh a lot till your stomach hurts.
Right food
Eat more mango, lemons, turmeric and basil. These foods have ingredients which have soothing effect and tone the whole body. Chocolate will raise your mood and has serotonin, so eat it more often without worrying about your figure.
Good sleep
If you don’t sleep well you won’t feel well at work and this will make you even more stressed.

7 Secrets of Relaxing Bathtub
Herbs are amazing natural medications against stress and depression. They make you feel better, sleep better and be happy.
Yoga will teach you how to control your emotions, thoughts and feelings. Yoga will make you fell more positive, calm and less stressed. Practice yoga and you will learn how to have more optimistic point of view.
There is nothing more relaxing than travelling, discovering new cultures, meeting new, and positive people. And the best thing is the memories which stay for good.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

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