Sunday, October 21, 2012

6 FABULOUS Facts about Dreams

Dreaming is amazing process of human’s mind and people from centuries try to understand their meaning and mechanism

Dreams are shrouded in mystery and a lot of scientists have tried to find out what actually dreams are. From doctors, psychologists and surgeons to para-psychologists and clairvoyant everyone tries to unravel the mystery of dreams.

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dreaming facts

Dreaming is amazing process full of mysteries

ere are some of the most interesting facts about dreams which we collected for you:
1. In our dreams we see only people we know
Our mind doesn’t imagine faces. Every face we see in our dreams is of someone we have seen even if we don’t remember. We see a huge amount of faces in our lives so our mind has a large pool of faces which can use in the dreams.
2. We forget 90% of our dreams
Five minutes after we wake up we forget half of our dreams, after 10 minutes – 90% of the dreams are gone for good prom our memory.
3. We can have between 4 and 7 dreams for one night
One dream can continue an hour or two, so we can have even 7 dreams for only one night. It is really hard to imagine this having in mind that we cannot remember even a half of them.

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4. Do you know that animals dream too?
Researches on animals during sleep show that they have the same brain waves as people when they dream. Look at sleeping dog or cat and you will see that they move their paws and move and make sounds as if experiencing an emotion.
5. Men and women dream in different way
Men usually dream more about other men. Around 70% of people in men’s dreams are men. Women’s dreams usually have equal number men and women. Men have more aggressive emotions in their dreams compared to women.
6. Dreams – predictions
Some researches show that between 18% and 40% of people have had at least one predictor dream and 80% have experiences déjà vu. Around 80% of people believe that dream-predictions are real.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

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