Mediterranean cuisine tempts with freshness, lightness and delicate flavor. It is said that the kitchen is the poor that has managed to enter the halls
“Great feast”
Researchers from the University of Saint – Etienne in France made a survey of a group of over six hundred patients after a heart attack. Divide them into two groups. One group is a traditional low-calorie human food after heart attack and the other was a Mediterranean diet based on olive oil, pasta, fresh vegetables and fruits, beans, small amounts of red meat, a large chicken and fish, as well as red wine to food. The result was impressive. Even after two years have reported large differences in the two groups – the “Mediterranean” group significantly increased life expectancy and decreased cancer (only 61%).
High Fiber Diet IS NOT Only for Weight Loss
Table outside
It is based on the vegetables, herbs and olive oil. When we add to this fish, seafood, cheese, pasta, rice, garlic, olives Oregano – get a general idea of the capabilities of this kitchen. The recipe for success of any party table is ordered by the court, friends and Mediterranean delicacies …
Obrigado aos Portugueses – thank to Portuguese
Portuguese think we owe them a taste of modern cuisine. Large researchers then powerful colonizers introduced many innovations in Europe such as coffee, sugar cane, beans, rice, pepper and cloves.
Tapas – something delicious in Spanish
Important dish in Spanish cuisine are served in bars and cafes tapas – small plates full of goodies that taste wine highlights. Only the imagination of the cook depends on what component of tapas. This can be aromatic olive, but micro dish with seafood. It is said that the tradition of tapas (from the word which means tapar disguise) is taken from the “bars” custom covers xeresu * cup with a slice of bread to prevent flies. Obviously it was a good idea of the bartenders, who relied on this that customers eat “lid” and instead go home to eat will continue to order.
Why breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Savoir – vivre
Eating a traditional Italian dinner can be very challenging. It is lack of tact to leave something on your plate. In order not to offend Italians welcome you or the owner of a local restaurant, then a few hours before dinner resist the temptation of delicious sandwich or ice cream ..
Mediterranean diet combines health, happiness and good shape I amazing taste and virtuous dishes. Who might dare not to taste it?
Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com
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