Wednesday, October 24, 2012

9 Ways to Raise a Smart Baby (part 1)

Caring for a baby is a full-time work, and more – feeding, cuddling, rocking, bathing, dressing, singing, games and many other things from morning till night

But there are many things we can do to help and our baby’s brain to grow and develop. Give neurological basis of important links that will help the baby later to learn and develop better.

baby brain development

Researches show that baby should be breastfed as long as possible to be smarter

Here’s a list of 10 things you can do as a parent to give a flying start to the brain development and intelligence of your baby.

6 Things You Probably Do Not Know about Breastfeeding
Breastfeed your baby
Breastfeeding is real gift for our babies form the very beginning of their life. Mother’s milk has numerous ingredients and most of them cannot be re-created in AM. One of them is DHA fatty acid which is responsible for early brain development and its health and proper development.
Read to your baby
We can start reading to our baby before its birth. The earlier we start the better. Reading books and talking helps enrich vocabulary (early baby will not use many words, but it stores them when the time comes, they come into use). Moreover conveys a love for books that will be useful later in kindergarten and school. If we love to read, you can do it to their children. We know how they love to imitate and repeat the things we do.
Delay the introduction of solid foods in the menu
Researches show that baby should be breastfed as long as possible and should start eating solid food not too early. If you have specific recommendations from your pediatrician can safely wait for the introduction of solid food until after the sixth month. This will allow extra time for the baby to have the essential ingredients that are so important for brain growth.

Breastfeeding REALLY Helps for Weight Loss
Offer healthy food
When comes the time for solid food, precisely and wise choose every bite. Keep this practice as much as possible as long as the child is totally under your control. From the beginning, try to create healthy eating habits – more lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Forget packing, semi-prepared food, it is not useful either for the body or the brain.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

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