Monday, October 15, 2012

Fruits and Vegetables Make us Happy

Eat fruits and vegetables to be happy!

Fruits and vegetables improve your mood and bring happiness and mental health, a study of 80,000 Britons conducted by the Medical School in Warwick, central England.
The more fruits and vegetables we eat, the better we feels, says chief of staff Sarah Stewart-Brown, quoted by WebMD. The results of the study were published in a special edition “Social Indicators Research”.

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fruits and vegetables happiness

Fruits and vegetables have a lot of benefits for health

According to Stewart-Brown happiest people take seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Scientists have found that one serving is 85 grams – for example a small apple has 141.7 g. Scientists do not define specific types of fruits and vegetables, they also recognized that they could not establish a mechanism of impact of these foods on the mind and mood.
But many nutritionists have repeatedly pointed out that fruit and vegetable ration mood of the people. This becomes their habit and brings joy.
According to the researchers effect on people from less fruit-vegetable servings a day is equal to one third of the negative effect of job loss.

Anti Aging – foods that promote longevity
Specialists recommend being careful if we have problems with stomach. Most of the fruits and vegetables have diuretic effect. Cabbage, cucumbers, apples and plums are natural remedies for constipation but also act as irritate the lining of the intestine and as a result, can cause diarrhea. If you constantly take too much, the membranes can be covered with sores, and that provoke cancer.
As with everything else balance is very important when consuming fruits and vegetables.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

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