Monday, October 15, 2012

Forget about Diets in Winter

If you want to stay healthy and slim, eat healthy

Winter months are not best time of the year to start dieting and systematic deprivation of food, experts warn. This does not mean abusing fat and calorie foods, of course.
Firstly it is important what we eat, and the second – how much we allow ourselves to eat.
If you want to be healthy, opt for these foods in winter:

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garlic and fish are good for winter

Garlic and fish will keep you healthy during cold winter months

Fish and seafood will help prevent heart disease and obesity. In salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna are large amounts of Omega – 3 fatty acids, which are essential for normal functioning of cells.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate and cocoa are irreplaceable sources of potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Dark chocolate gives you energy will supply your body with iron and eliminate fatigue.

Autumn Menu for Strong Immunity
Garlic is known as a natural antibiotic and for good reason. It contains altsin that fight bacteria. Furthermore, normalizing cholesterol and stimulates blood circulation.
During the winter months you need more vitamin C to counteract viruses and colds. Citrus will obtain enough of this precious vitamin flooded to regulate the substances stimulate cleansing the body and dull the appetite.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

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