As I wrote about last month, fall is one of my favorite seasons and is full of fun activities that I always look forward to. Most of these are outdoor activities, related to farms or harvesting, and are actually very earth-friendly.
These activities include picking apples or visiting a pumpkin patch, or going to an actual farm for pumpkins or to go through a corn maze. These on-farm activities allow you to support a local farmer or business, to eat and shop locally, and increasingly, to find organic apples and other produce.
As I wrote before, decorating the house for fall is one of my favorite things. And, what makes it even more enjoyable for me it that I don’t have to use fake items, but instead, can use the pumpkins, gourds, apples, and corn stalks I get from these farms. I add other natural items like pinecones and leaves, and create an autumn wreath, or make a simple yet colorful decoration by filling a basket or bowl with various decorative gourds, different varieties (and colors) of corn, cornhusks, mini-pumpkins, and other hard-shelled squash.
Another of my favorite activities, and one of the most popular, is “leaf peeping” (going to see the fall foliage), even if all that means is a walk outside. If you live in an area that’s close enough to hike or bike to, consider doing that instead of driving there. Or research whether there’s a spot that you can park and then hike up to it.
When you are visiting a local farm, park, or natural area to see the vibrant colors of leaves changing or to get that perfect pumpkin, do your best to enjoy the outdoors responsibly by minimizing your impact to the environment. Clean up after yourself and pick up your trash. Try to leave no trace that you were even there.
Since it is now football season and tailgating is often part of the fun, make sure you are a green tailgater. Clean up after yourself and recycle as much of the trash as you can. And think about drinking some local beers from your favorite micro-brewery, or buying local grass-fed beef for any steaks and burgers.
Read more: Environment, Food, Green, Halloween, Holidays, Nature, Nature & Wildlife, Outdoor Activities, apple picking, fall, fall foliage, pumpkins, tailgating
Source : care2[dot]com
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