Remember Charlie Brown’s disappointment when he received a rock in his trick-or-treat bag? Nobody wants to disappoint the little ghosts and goblins that show up on Halloween. But there’s no need to load the kiddies up with mountains of sugar, either.
There is a happy medium between sugar-laden traditional Halloween treats and Charlie Brown’s rock. Without depriving the little ones of Halloween or sweet treats, you can mix it up by offering some healthier alternatives that can still be called treats.
Devin Alexander, Celebrity Chef and NY Times Best Selling Author of The Biggest Loser Cookbook Series, suggests these fun treats:
- Juice boxes or water bottles (if your budget can handle it). You might worry that your house will get egged or TP’d, but think about it: kids are going door to door, often racing to collect tons of candy. They get really thirsty. Handing out a beverage may actually be much better received than you think.
- Boxes of pretzels or baked chips. Though they are not as great as water or 100 percent orange juice, they’re relatively low in calories and fat, and they aren’t pure sugar.
- Bags of nuts or dried fruit. Though they are calorie dense, they contain “good” fats and natural sugars. Just be sure to buy the dry roasted nuts, not “roasted,” which have added oils.
- Fruit snacks. They’re sweet and seem similar to gummy candy, but with a fraction of the sugar and fat.
- Tootsie pops or other lollipops (great if you’re on a tight budget). Though they are virtually pure sugar, they take a long time to eat, so people tend to eat fewer. Plus, they are very low in fat.
- Sugar-free gum is another great, virtually calorie-free option. Kids LOVE gum.
- Inexpensive toys. Head to your 99 cent store. They often carry big packs of plastic rings (as in kid-friendly jewelry), necklaces, military figurines, etc. Play-Doh (TM) is always a great option that might be found there as well.
Prime your taste buds, because Ms. Alexander will also share a delicious pumpkin-based recipe in an upcoming article on Care2.
Next: More Trick-or-Treat Ideas, plus How to Handle Your Kids’ Deluge of Treats
Photo copyright: Getty Images – Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock
Read more: Children, Conscious Consumer, Diet & Nutrition, Family, Food, Fun, General Health, Halloween, Health, Holidays, Home, Life, Teens, trick or treat
Source : care2[dot]com
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