Monday, October 15, 2012

How Can We Change the World? (Part 1)

In a perfect world, thoughts, experiences and beliefs are constantly evolving

Change Thinking

See the “old” world in a new way

In a perfect world, thoughts, experiences and beliefs are constantly evolving. In everyday life we often have to face new and interesting people and be in situations in which we continually discover new aspects of our emotional and intellectual life.
Nevertheless, this scenario rarely plays out, life is not always flowing perfectly. For most of us, personal tracks and everyday same schedule and same situations “narrow” and reinforce our worldview to the already established ways of thinking.
Then one day we wake up, realize that we need something… different. Or simply, we want to see the “old” world in a new way – we need a change in mentality. Overall, this exercise is not so difficult and it is enough just to make a little effort, and with it will come the changing world for which we crave…

“I will think differently, I will think differently!”

Many people believe that the best way to help themselves is to escape from the routine, like repeating to yourself that you want to think differently. The idea is not new at all. Most religious practices are bound on repeating the prayers many times.
We can choose some specific mantra to change our way of thinking. But this is not enough. We have to think about and repeat the phrase; otherwise the message will not achieve the desired effect. We must try to repeat it every time when a certain situation challenges us.

Meet new people

To “bring” ideas and perspectives in life, you need to communicate with people who are with different profession, background, culture or religion.
Communicating with people of similar thinking is a way to strengthen the already built thinking. It is difficult to see our own mistakes and shortcomings in this way.
This does not mean that we have to stop relations with old friends. It means that we need to let new friend come into our lives. We do not have to visit different countries to meet people who are different from us. In fact, they are all around us. You just have to look around and allow them to enter your world.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

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