Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How Can We Change the World? (Part 2)

In a perfect world, thoughts, experiences and beliefs are constantly evolving


In a perfect world, thoughts, experiences and beliefs are constantly evolving

In a perfect world, thoughts, experiences and beliefs are constantly evolving. In everyday life we often have to face new and interesting people and be in situations in which we continually discover new aspects of our emotional and intellectual life.
Nevertheless, this scenario rarely plays out; life is not always flowing perfectly. For most of us, personal tracks and everyday same schedule and same situations “narrow” and reinforce our worldview to the already established ways of thinking.
Then one day we wake up, realize that we need something… different. Or simply, we want to see the “old” world in a new way – we need a change in mentality. Overall, this exercise is not so difficult and it is enough just to make a little effort, and with it will come the changing world for which we crave…

Doing the usual things differently

Even small changes in our lives can help us achieving the goal. We can choose a new sport that we always wanted to try or to visit places that we usually avoided. A new style of music, a book or movie would also be helpful.
People who like to control everything around them should put aside their high expectations and allow others to do tasks on their own way.
Passive people, on the other hand, can strive more often to take matters into their own hands and be more aggressive. Due to the small changes in everyday life, the brain will have new momentum and create new neural pathways that provoke change.

Work on self-awareness

Many people are afraid to explore and understand their thoughts and emotions. Instead they pay more attention to the “outside” life – the needs of others, career, goals, etc…
The study of self awareness can help determining what our real needs, desires and dreams are. In addition, it will pay more attention to how we relate to others. Identifying our own feelings and emotions help us correct them.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

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