Sunday, September 30, 2012

Understanding Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a digestive disorder activated by eating gluten, a protein that is found in wheat, rye and barley. People with celiac must follow a gluten-free diet for the sake of their digestive health.

Read more: Conditions, Diet & Nutrition, Eating for Health, Food, Health, Videos, Videos, auto-immune disease, autoimmune, celiac, celiac disease, dermatitis, digestion, Digestive Disorder, digestive system, gluten, gluten free, gluten intolerance, gluten-free diet

Source : care2[dot]com

Roasted Red Pepper Soup

This is a comforting autumn soup, with a gorgeous color and a wonderful creamy texture. Using canned roasted red peppers is easy and cuts down on time spent, but you can roast your own if you prefer.

1 cup sweet onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 – 28oz. can roasted red peppers (drained) equivalent to 4 large whole peppers
1 cup canned, chopped tomatoes, drained
4 cups water
2 tablespoons agave (helps take edge off tartness – add less if you prefer)
2 teaspoons dry sherry
½ cup sour cream
1 cup low fat milk
2 tablespoons cornstarch (mixed with ¼ cup water)
2 teaspoons sea salt
½ teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon onion, granulated

  • Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil in pot on medium heat until tender, stirring often.
  • Add tomatoes, peppers and water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.
  • Add agave, seasonings and cornstarch mixture.
  • Heat for another 10 minutes, allowing it to thicken.
  • Remove from heat and blend with hand blender or upright blender. Add sour cream, milk and more seasonings if needed.

Serves: 4

Cooking time: 45 minutes

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14 Healthy & Hearty Soups
Red Pepper Jam
Super Spinach Enchiladas

Read more: All recipes, Diet & Nutrition, Eating for Health, Food, General Health, HeartMath Kitchen, Nourishing the Heart, Soups & Salads, Vegetarian, HeartMath, Institute of HeartMath, red pepper recipes, red peppers, soup

Source : care2[dot]com

When And From Which Vitamins And Minerals We Need (Part 4)

See what are the signs we can see when our body needs more certain vitamins and minerals and how we can provide them


See what are the signs we can see when our body needs vitamins

Vitamins and minerals are vital and important for our body, regardless of the diet we are keeping. They allow proper growth of the body, strengthening, and they also contribute to its resistance against diseases and viruses. Undoubtedly, we constantly need vitamins and minerals but it is not necessarily to take them as supplements or drugs.
See what are the signs we can see when our body needs more certain vitamins and minerals and how we can provide them to our body without the need of going to the pharmacy.

Vitamin C

When the body receives a constant intake of vitamin C naturally through nutrition the risk of colds decreases significantly, reveals a study.
Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables, but mostly in citrus fruits, berries, broccoli, green peppers.
The vitamin is essential for smokers and those, who are exposed to passive smoking. However, vitamin C does not cure a cold or flu when you are already sick.

Vitamin D

Thanks to vitamin D the body is capable of absorbing calcium, which predisposes the bones. Our body has the ability to synthesize vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, so it is sufficient to provide ourselves with enough time outdoors. A certain amount (but not big) of vitamin D can be obtained through a healthy diet.
The vitamin as a pill is usually prescribed for the prevention of rickets in infants and if there is a risk of osteoporosis for people who are over the age of 50.
Some medical studies have found that there is a increased risk of developing diabetes type 1 and 2, multiple sclerosis when there is a deficiency of the vitamin.
In general, deficits of vitamin D are not common, because the necessary amount for the body is capable of synthesizing even with limited sun exposure. However, the vitamin is recommended to be taken as a supplement in adults who have limited sunlight exposure.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

Eat Less, More Often

For as long as I could remember the conventional advice around mealtimes was to eat three square meals a day, and avoid snacking. The square meals were presumably made up of portions of protein, starch, and some cellulose-rich food (veg or fruit) and they were always quite large, and the snacks, well they were verboten. Turns out, according to modern science headlines, all of this (or at least some of it) was dead wrong.

According to research done at the Imperial College in London, eating “little and often” is the optimum way to maintain blood sugar and keep energy levels at a constant. This new suggested meal plan would include up to nine meals a day (albeit small meals) without any snacking whatsoever. The study, which compared the diets of over 2000 people in the UK, China, Japan and the U.S. showed that those who ate fewer than 6 times per day had a significantly higher systolic blood pressure and were much fatter. Those who had the same caloric intake but consumed smaller amounts over the course of 6+ meals revealed better health and lower blood pressure. According to an article in the Daily Mail, eating at least four small meals a day — a ‘nibbling’ diet, as researchers called it — sped up metabolism and lowered the risk of obesity, according to a similar Maastricht University study. Note, snacks between meals are prohibited.

It’s not clear why eating more often has these benefits, but one theory is that frequent meals prevent a high influx of fatty acids — compounds that are released from foods and can lead to a build-up of fats in the arteries, and also contribute to high cholesterol levels. And it seems the regularity of the smaller meals is just as important as the quantity.

What are your thoughts on increasing the frequency of your meals 300%? Do you think 3 meals a day has some sort of biological basis that shouldn’t be subverted? Have you had experiences that have brought you to your own conclusions?

Read more: Basics, Blogs, Eating for Health, Following Food, Food, eating less, meals, snacks

Source : care2[dot]com

When Do Women Get Used to Motherhood?

Now you are mother! Greetings! You feel great, right?

Well, in some cases you may be slightly confused because this little baby brings a whole new world! Your lifestyle noticeably change, alternate sleepless nights coupled with fatigue and stress. But this selfless devotion is deserved, because to immerse yourself in the magic of motherhood are needed not only love, but also courage and luck.

AWFUL! Mother Has ALLERGY to Her Own Child


There is no doubt that the first days and months after the birth are quite heavy

In the early days of motherhood, many women think that it will never end … researchers found that “hell” has an end and it occurs after exactly 4 months and 23 days of birth.
This is the average time it takes for the mother to cope with the “revolution”, changing her life dramatically. In fact, after five months young mothers come in form and are now fully confident that they can handle the duties that they are being overwhelmed. They know what each cry of her baby, imaging experts describe the situation.
The mother stops worrying when goes on walk, always ready, possessing reserves of clothes, diapers and baby food. She no longer cries to the occasion and more rarely disappoints, the researchers noted.

UNIQUE! See How a Boy and a Girl Are Carrying Their Baby „Together”
There is no doubt that the first days and months after the birth are quite heavy. Mother should be strong, full of energy and confident because the stress she is experiencing is not less than that of my baby. It’s needed quick recovery so that we fully take care of our child.
How to cope with postpartum depression?
Almost all women feel so happy after birth that they feel they can love everybody.
But that heady feeling is very short and quickly replaced by a sense of helplessness, anxiety, impatience, irritability … The mother is often sad, crying for no reason, suffering from insomnia and is very impatient. This is undoubtedly the symptoms of postpartum depression. Statistics show that 50 to 75 percent of new mothers suffer from frequent mood swings and meet all the symptoms that characterize this type of depression. They usually occur 4 to 6 days after birth.

PROVEN! Smoking during Pregnancy Threatens Your Children’s Health!

Not yet clarified the reasons for postpartum depression, scientists say it is due to the change in hormone levels and chemical processes that occur in a woman’s brain. The most common symptoms subside within ten days, but in general the process is very individual for each lady. To be able to successfully deal with this type of depression appear to be particularly useful conversations with close people is indispensable help of my dad. And since caring for the baby totally confuse the diet of the mother, the intake of a healthy and balanced diet is essential. Furthermore, you can take advantage of the time when the baby is sleeping to exercise, because the active lifestyle combined with moderate exercise will help to accelerate out of the depression.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

Autumn Presents…Her Majesty PUMPKIN (part 2)

Culinary options for consumption of pumpkin are hundreds – from creamy soup to crème caramel

Roasted is more useful than boiled, because boiling a large part of its ingredients goes into the water. It is better to combine with honey than sugar because honey has nearly 400 nutrients, including some antibiotics.

pumpkin soup

Pumpkin soup is delicious and full of useful ingredients

One of the best options for the consuming pumpkin is in the form of juice. Pumpkin keeps you away from insomnia and nervous conditions. It is proved that improves eyesight. It may be sweetened with honey, can be combined with citrus fruit, but clean enough high nutritional value and effectiveness against many diseases specialist is clear.
It is important to keep the pumpkin properly. If you keep in the refrigerator must be peeled, sliced and wrapped in foil. Otherwise, it oxidizes and vitamins are lost. It is not subject to freezing, because its beneficial ingredients degrade. Whole room temperature can last weeks, and in the cool and dark places – and a few months.

Bosses Actually Suffer Less From Stress
The seeds are rich in protein, 50 g substitute 100 g meat.
The seeds of the pumpkin are no less useful than the fruit itself. They are rich in protein, so vegetarians can substitute meat with them. ’50 Seeds are equivalent to 100 grams of lean meat.
They are high in selenium – a trace element powerful antioxidant that is used in hypofunction of the thyroid gland.
They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital form of (unsaturated) acids that remove cholesterol. They maintain their membrane, which makes them more stable and generally enhances the immune system. Pumpkin seeds can be used to boost immunity and prevention of influenza and other bacterial and viral infections. This effect can be achieved through the adoption of pumpkin seed oil obtained by cold pressing.

It Is Never Too Late To Get In Shape
Pumpkin seeds are a prophylactic against prostatitis, prostate adenoma. They stimulate and potency.
Nutrients in pumpkin seeds nourish and stimulate brain functions. Pumpkin is recommended for intensive mental activity during training.
They are one of the best remedies against intestinal parasites. Do not contain toxic and have no side effects.

Autumn Presents…Her Majesty PUMPKIN (part 1)

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

The Worst Sources of Aspartame

Aspartame, the not-so-natural sugar substitute linked to a host of negative health effects from headaches to cancer, is found in a lot of products that you might not suspect. Check out the top 10 offenders below.

Graphic via Natural News

Scary Sweetener Haunted by Ugly Past
13 Scary Food Additives to Avoid
Dangers of Diet Soda

Read more: Basics, Diet & Nutrition, Drinks, Eating for Health, Food, Health, aspartame, sweetener

Source : care2[dot]com

Autumn Presents…Her Majesty PUMPKIN (part 1)

Pumpkin is one of the most useful boundaries between fruit and vegetable creations of nature

The combination of fiber, minerals and vitamins that contain pumpkin is impressive. It has fiber, which is representative of insoluble fiber and pectin, which is soluble. Fiber lowers cholesterol, including bad one, reduces triglycerides. Pectin controls blood sugar.

See Which Fruits and Vegetables Are Best for Your Heart!

pumkin autumn

Pumpkin contains a unique combination of vitamins and minerals

Mineral complex in pumpkin is unique – calcium, which keeps osteoporosis, sufficient iron ensures good blood formation, magnesium, improving cardiac tone and normalize blood. Phosphorus in the form supports the bones and joints, ideal for stress and keep nervous system overload.
Rich in copper, zinc and cobalt does stimulate blood formation. These are minerals with strong antioxidant effects that enhance the immune system. Cobalt provides immunity against the harmful effects of the environment – radiation, temperature anomalies.

Remedies for intestinal worms
Pumpkin contains a unique combination of vitamins and minerals
Pumpkin protects from stress and worthy rival potatoes in potassium. It stimulates the heart muscle and is a strong diuretic. No sense of people with high blood pressure to take drugs with diuretic, if you eat enough pumpkin. Just for potassium pumpkin helps prevent edema in hypertension, heart disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver problems. It is one of the best fruits in the treatment of kidney and prostate diseases – adenoma or hypertrophy.
Pumpkin is balm for the gastrointestinal tract – acts as a fine dressing for mucosal inflammation. Prevents constipation and also reduces the risk of tumors of the gut. Betakaroten that is actually pro-vitamin A is one of the most valuable ingredients of this fruit. It improves the texture of your skin and slows aging. It is a visual stimulus and reduces the risk of special night blindness.

See Which Foods Are Suitable for EVERY Diet!
Vitamins B1, B2, PP, which is also rich pumpkin, are potent regulators of all metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the nervous system. Pum[kin contains vitamin C, which perfectly offset the lack of fruits and sunny vegetables in autumn and winter.
Baked pumpkin is more useful than boiled, because while boiling of the most nutritious ingredients go into its water.
Pumpkin can be used for weight reduction. Carbohydrates in 100 grams are to only 6-7%. Proteins are the 1%. It is suitable for one day diet a week and for an ambitious three-day diet, after which it should be made smooth power.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

Do We Eat too much or Move too little?

All weight loss diets are designed starting from the condition that we eat too much

In fact, from here starts the problem with the fact that these diets do not work. Because the truth is not that we eat too much, and that we move too little, say U.S. experts.

move and eat

Eat less, move more – it is so simple!

“Trying to create general picture created primordial problem. Because, unfortunately, cannot solve the problem if we cannot find the reason for it and according to them, we have taken the right steps, “say team of nutritionists and psychologists quoted by Psychology Today. “Diets do not work because not the nutrition is the root of the problem but the lack of physical activity.”

Weight Loss is not Magic- Just Maths!
Transition to living in cities leads to a dramatic increase in obesity and hence a rapid increase in cases of diabetes and high blood pressure, “City man sits most of the day in the office, do not move enough, not eating less.”
For active people overweight is not a problem, no matter how much they eat. Conducted by American scientists experiment shows that even this type of food a person can increase by 50%, this does not affect its their weight. Of course, those who do not move enough, and eat a lot and quickly and so add pounds.
Physical activity of any kind increases metabolism (even in subsequent periods of rest and relaxation). With good body metabolism characteristic warmth immediately after eating is much more noticeable. This actually means that the body consumes more energy converted from food, rather than as a stock company, ie fat.
Any comparison between the person living in the city and one that works as a field or as a feed to go hunting or fishing shows that first consumes about 2,700 calories a day, and the second – over 3300. The essential difference comes from the amount of calories consumed in the first 600 and second in 1800.

This DRINK Changed the World?
“That’s why moving is the main regulator of weight, regardless of how we eat,” concluded American specialists and provide a typical example of his country – farmers eat very heavy and it mostly with high-calorie foods (like meat), but at the same time they run all day and consume the energy that their food provides. Unlike the inhabitant of the city who spent most of the day in the office.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

Saturday, September 29, 2012

14 Ways to Use Shallots

All About Shallots
Shallots are an allium, the same family as onions and garlic. Like the latter, shallots can be separated into cloves. Taste-wise, however, they’re more like onions, though the flavor is subtler.

How to Buy
Like onions, look for shallots that are free of sprouts. The bulbs should be dry and firm, and have a good covering of papery skin.

How to Store
In a cool, dry & well-ventilated place, shallots should keep for at least a month.

How to Use
Shallots are a great substitute for regular onions — many professional chefs, in fact, prefer shallots to their more famous cousins! The great thing about shallots is that their mild flavor doesn’t overpower other ingredients, like onions can very well do.

Earlier14 Surprising Uses for Onions

  • 1 of 4

Read more: All recipes, Appetizers & Snacks, Basics, Eating for Health, Entrees, Food, Green Kitchen Tips, Side Dishes, Soups & Salads, Vegan, Vegetarian, shallot, shallots

Source : care2[dot]com

Celebrate World Vegetarian Day October 1

By Dana Shultz for Diets in Reviews

Vegetarians and those interested in a meat-free diet will have some common ground to stand on this Monday.  October 1 marks World Vegetarian Day, an event founded by the North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) to raise support and awareness for a vegetarian lifestyle.

The North American Vegetarian Society is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1974. According to their website, the organization has two focuses: To provide a support network for its members, affiliated groups and those who follow a vegetarian diet; and to inform the general public about the benefits vegetarianism provides to  humans, animals and the Earth.

The group seeks to carry out these goals through various means, including a quarterly magazine, spreading their message via a growing body of publications, holding conferences, and providing resources and information to the media and other organizations that may take interest.

World Vegetarian Day was founded in 1977 and received official endorsement by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978. October 1 may be World Vegetarian Day, but it kicks off Vegetarian Awareness Month, which seeks to create “a better world because vegetarian diets have proven health benefits, save animals’ lives and help preserve the Earth.”

There are numerous ways to get involved in World Vegetarian Day this Monday, including displaying a free poster provided by NAVS in your community and, of course, eating vegetarian. There is also an opportunity for non-vegetarian eaters to win up to $1,000 if they pledge to go meat free in October. Pledging information is available on the World Vegetarian Day website.

In addition to founding World Vegetarian Day, the NAVS also organizes annual education conferences including the Vegetarian Summerfest, which is open to anyone interested in learning more about vegetarianism. The national event attracts 500-600 people of all ages wanting to know more about a vegetarian diet. Information on the topic is provided via lectures, classes and cooking demonstrations. Lecturers include leading figures in health such as top doctors, dietitians, chefs , authors and social activists. Information about this event can be found at the Vegetarian Summerfest website.

If those around you need more persuasion to try a vegetarian diet, there’s plenty of research backing its benefits. In a study conducted by the German Cancer Research Center, men eating a vegetarian diet were shown to have a 50 percent lower risk of early death, and women saw a 30 percent lower risk. Vegetarians also see lower risks of heart disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer, and typically weigh less and have more energy than meat eaters.

Share this convincing information with your circle of friends and family and ask if they’ll pledge to try out a vegetarian diet in October. If they do, their eating habits will not only benefit the environment and their personal health, but also save animals’ lives.

10 Surprising Sources of Vegetarian Protein Sources and How Much Protein You Need
Gallup Asks Americans if They’re Vegan for the First Time
10 Delicious Vegetarian Recipes

Read more: Diet & Nutrition, Food, Health, Vegetarian, vegetarian, vegetarianism, world vegetarian day

Source : care2[dot]com

Apples for Health, Apples for Fun, Apples Yum

Tis the season, for apples, apples, apples!

Did you know . . .

  • Apples date back to 6500 B.C.? Remains of apples were found during the excavation of Jericho in the Jordan Valley, which was dated to this time period.
  • In 79 A.D.., Pliny the Elder described 20 varieties of apples in his work, Natural History (note: I actually have a nephew named Pliny. He’s awesome. An architect that does a lot of green design [for Whole Foods stores around the world] although people often ask him to repeat his name.)
  • Apples are actually part of the rose family?
  • The average American eats 45 pounds of apples a year!
  • “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away,” comes from an old English saying, “To eat an apple before going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread.”
  • In 1100 A.D., the medical school of Salerno, taught that apples could help disturbances of the bowels, lungs and nervous system.

Health benefits of apples . . .

  • Great source of fiber with about 4 grams for a medium apple (only about 95 calories)
  • Good source of immune-boosting vitamin C
  • Can help loose weight
  • Can help lower cholesterol
  • Can help reduce risk of diabetes
  • Can reduce risk of certain cancers:
  • One study of showed that the flavonoids, quercetin and naringin in apples could reduce lung cancer risk up to 50%
  • Scientists from the American Association for Cancer Research found that consuming flavonol-rich apples could help reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 23%
  • Researchers at Cornell University identified triterpenoids in apple peel that have a lot of anti-growth activities against cancer cells in the liver, colon, and breast.

I’m sure this is all great, but I’m sticking to organically grown apples – minus the toxic chemicals please! Apples are the #1 worst foods (loaded w/ pesticides when non-organically grown) on the Dirty Dozen foods list published by Environmental Working Group in their annual study of conventionally grown foods v. organic foods in terms of pesticides.

My recent apple picking adventure . . .

lil green dude mason on our apple picking excursion

When did apple picking become such a competitive sport? We went out with a couple of the kids and our grand kids this past weekend, and when we pulled up to the farm driveway and saw lots of official looking men with flags to direct traffic and that cars were already overflowing into a new parking field at 10am, we kind of knew we might be in for a serious adventure. We noted all the “security” people and it just didn’t seem congruent with a day at the farm.

We also weren’t entirely prepared for the myriad of farm-related activities that were far more thrilling for the kids than the apple picking would be. We spent a lot of time feeding, interacting with and being entertained by all kinds of animals. The frisky goats were fun, especially this one little tough guy who kept head-butting a COW out of the way every time someone tried to feed it. There were bunnies – FAT bunnies, donkeys (even a super cute baby donkey), a gorgeous pregnant horse, chickens, geese, ducks, oh my! The pony ride was almost as popular with lil Green Dude Mason as the hay bale tunnel, which he kept disappearing into!

green divas carly & vivi enjoying apple picking

This fun family farm fest all took place at Alstede Farms in Chester, NJ. I like this farm because they have a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program, participate in local farmer’s markets, grow some certified organic produce, use integrated pest management in other areas, work to grow responsibly and sustainably, and do a lot for the community. I’ve met them at farmer’s markets, but who knew they had a virtual farm circus back at home base! The place is HUGE and the pick-your-own crops include acres of fruits and vegetables, pumpkin patches AND fresh-cut flowers. In order to get around, there is a hay ride route with about a dozen stops that takes almost an hour to go through all the stops and back to the starting point.

green dude wayne travelin via hay ride

We came home with a crate of apples and a crate of veggies including huge eggplants, fresh tomatoes, even found some jalapeno peppers out there, but they were having a spud fest and we couldn’t resist picking up a few fresh and dirty potatoes – yum! So, I immediately got creative and made up an apple crisp/crumble recipe. I also made fresh salsa with some of the other goodies and canned it, but that’s another post – stay tuned.

click here for GD Meg’s yummy apple crisp/crumble recipe . . .

Read more: Community, Diet & Nutrition, Eating for Health, Family, Food, Fun, Outdoor Activities, The Green Divas Podcast, Vegan, Vegetarian, apple picking, apple recipes, apples, apples for health, farm fun, pick your own, pick-your-own apples

Source : care2[dot]com

Astrology and Weight Loss (part 2)

What do people from different zodiac signs need to eat to be healthy and slim?

Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23)
Libras are known for their precision and balance when they are in good mental balance. This is a big plus for dietary compliance. They follow a very precise weight and timing of meals and not feel deprived and unhappy during the diet.
They have an internal balance, which helps them determine what food is how much more desirable to eat.
This zodiac sign needs whole grains, fruits, vegetables and meat.

How to Manage Your Child’s Stress

weigh loss zodiac

Tell me your zodiac sign and I will tell you how to stay in shape

Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)
Those born under this sign can be very extreme characters. When Scorpio his mind that he wants a particular food will not stop consuming it until it is saturated. This can sometimes be detrimental to weight.
Born in November is desirable to emphasize the garlic, onion, spices and herbs that are used as dietary supplements. This is enough to reduce the appetite of the Scorpion and, of course, avoid salt, sugar, fat and starch products.
Recommended foods for representatives of this zodiac sign are seafood, corn, raspberries.

Cleaning DESTROYS Our Lungs!
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Sagittarius love to experiment, therefore, like foreign cuisine. They want to try new flavors and dishes, they often forget that this can lead to weight gain, which is a problem if you need to go on a special diet.

If, however, those born under this sign decide to reduce their body weight it is advisable to include in their menu veal, asparagus, cucumbers and plenty of fluids.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Those born under this sign are known for their hospitality and willingness to delight others with their interesting, good looking and tasty dishes. Roasted beef or chicken in a sauce of sour cream or raspberry cake with rum are just some of the specialties that Capricorn likes to eat with gusto. Needless to say, weigh loss is difficult to keep up with this diet.

In your diet born  should have fruit, Brussels sprouts and usually, almonds.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)

The diet of Aquarius can be very unpredictable and life-style. In one day he can focus on the consumption of hamburgers and another fruit. Extremely difficult to stick to a diet, especially if it’s worked. Foods that need to be emphasized are beetroot, aubergines and potatoes.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)

For creative and incomprehensible kind is difficult to determine the exact diet for representatives of this zodiac sign. Many of them rely on their own judgment and are convinced that if they decided to eat a particular food, it can hardly harm them.

It is recommended in the daily menu of fish to present foods like fish, dates and grapes.

Astrology and Weight Loss (part 1)

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

Gluten-Free Pie Crust and Breakfast Muffins

Finding excellent wheat-free and gluten-free recipes for desserts and baked goods can sometimes be a challenge. My fiancé was diagnosed with gluten-intolerance about a year and a half ago, so we’ve both been slowly delving deeper into gluten-free baking experiments.

Today, I’d like to share a couple of recipes with you that can be enjoyed if you’re gluten-intolerant and also if you just plain love good food!

Gluten-Free Coconut Pie Crust

The thought of having to give up pie is too much to take! Thankfully, you can make pie crusts with several kinds of gluten-free flours. Such as in the recipe I’d like to share with you, you can even go with a delightful combo of coconut flour and shredded coconut for your pie crust. YUM! This crust recipe also calls for half a cup of oat flour.

Go to Fall Recipe: Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie with Coconut Crust for complete details. (A bonus is that this article, as the title indicates, includes a season-appropriate recipe for pumpkin pie filling—but you can fill this pie crust with the filling of your choice.)

Breakfast Muffins

If you enjoy savory baked goods to start off your morning, you’ll love these cheesy, oniony breakfast muffins. They’re pretty quick to prepare, and baking them will fill your house with a to-die-for aroma. They call for a gluten-free baking mix called Pamela’s, which is available in many stores. The muffins only take about 15 minutes in the oven. Experiment by adding different combos of herbs to the recipe to create unique flavor blends.

Go to Gluten-Free Breakfast Muffins for the complete recipe.

Gluten-Free Grains

If you’re insterested in cooking and baking with whole grains that don’t contain gluten, check out this article about millet, rice, oats, quinoa, teff and more.

More Care2 articles with creative recipes:

Photo from

Read more: All recipes, Basics, Desserts, Diet & Nutrition, Food, breakfast, breakfast foods, celiac, gluten, gluten free, pie, pie crust, pumpkins, recipes

Source : care2[dot]com

Female and Minority Farmers Demand Equality

Earlier this year, the USDA updated the process by which female and Hispanic farmers may file discrimination claims. This was largely a response to a number of claims over the last decade filed by farmers claiming they had been denied farm loans due to their gender or ethnicity. One significant case is Love v. Vilsack, a class action lawsuit filed by a group of female farmers against the USDA. The case was filed in 2000 and has yet to be finally resolved. Another class action case, Pigford v. Glickman, claimed that the USDA discriminated against African-American farmers in a similar fashion. In 2010, after some confusion regarding farm bill funds that could be made available as compensation for the farmers involved, the claimants were ultimately awarded $1.15 billion. Similar claims have been filed by Native American farmers, as well.

The updated claims process increases the maximum compensation for female and Hispanic farmers from $50,000 to $250,000 and provides a streamlined litigation process. This is a step in the right direction, but does not address the root of the problem.

In the United States, farming is predominantly the province of white men. In the corporate, corporate organic, and small-scale organic food systems, white men run the show. As a result, female and minority farmers are often not taken seriously.

Why does it matter who grows our food? There are many reasons. The most obvious is that, as with any profession, no one should be discriminated against on the basis of gender or ethnicity. It is simply unconstitutional.

But it goes deeper than that. Food is one of the most basic necessities of life. Knowing how to grow food gives a person or group considerable independence. That is one reason that many people enjoy gardening – it is satisfying to know how to grow one’s own food and know that it is not absolutely necessary to rely upon the grocery store, or even the farmers’ market.

Giving power over this basic, life-giving necessity to one group is an act based – at least partially – in a desire for control and an attempt to maintain the status quo. By making it difficult for women and minorities to do something as fundamentally important as growing and selling food, the USDA is making a powerful statement about where it feels the power in this country lies.

What’s more, granting control of farming primarily to white men leads to a groupthink mentality. There is much that needs to be reformed in our food system. We need to promote the effective methods of farming without chemicals and in concert with nature that are found on small, organic farms. We need to support local farming and strengthen local food systems. Perhaps, if the nation’s farming population were more diverse, we would enjoy a more productive conversation on how to accomplish these goals. That is not to assume that all white men think alike. But surely opening a dialog with individuals whose experiences are more varied would be more likely to produce new ideas.

Organizations like the National Black Farmers Association are working to address this problem. The non-profit community organization works to educate the public about the discrimination experienced by minority farmers and to mobilize African-American farmers with the goal of increasing awareness about the issue. Similarly, non-profits like People’s Grocery in Oakland, California are educating urban residents about discrimination against female and minority farmers.

With the work of non-profits like the National Black Farmers Association and People’s Grocery, as well as the efforts of the USDA to redress discrimination claims, it appears that progress is being made. However, there is still much that needs to be done if attitudes toward female and minority farmers are going to truly change.

Ecuador Farmers Organize ‘Illegal’ Community Food Fairs
Local, Organic Produce at Your Doorstep
Discrimination Hurts Everyone

Read more: Career, Community, Food, Life, News & Issues, discrimination, ethnicity, farmers, gender, local food, organic food, race, women

Source : care2[dot]com

When And From Which Vitamins And Minerals We Need (Part 2)

See what are the signs we can see when our body needs more certain vitamins and minerals and how we can provide them


Undoubtedly, we constantly need vitamins

Vitamins and minerals are vital and important for our body, regardless of the diet we are keeping. They allow proper growth of the body, strengthening, and they also contribute to its resistance against diseases and viruses. Undoubtedly, we constantly need vitamins and minerals but it is not necessarily to take them as supplements or drugs.
See what are the signs we can see when our body needs more certain vitamins and minerals and how we can provide them to our body without the need of going to the pharmacy.

Folic acid

Until recently, it was claimed that folic acid does not harm the body regardless of the amount taken. Recently, however, the data from the studies is not as conclusive. It is suspected, yet unconfirmed, that folic acid can provoke tumor, cardiovascular or psychiatric illness.
It is recommended daily to provide your body with the amount of 400 micrograms. For pregnant or breastfeeding women dosage can be increased to 600 micrograms.
It is known that folic acid prevents neural tube defects such as spina bifida, in prenatal development, so it is recommended when planning a pregnancy for at least 2 months before making the baby and 2 months after becoming pregnant to drink folid acid.
You can also find it in food such as: dark green vegetables, beans, citrus fruits, whole grain products.


Potassium helps to lower the blood pressure and regulate the heart rhythm. In large quantities, however, the mineral is harmful and may lead to kidney diseases. That means that the people taking it as a diuretic for heart diseases should be careful.
Enough potassium may be provided with consumption of bananas, raisins, leafy vegetables, oranges and milk.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

When And From Which Vitamins And Minerals We Need (Part 1)

See what are the signs we can see when our body needs more certain vitamins and minerals and how we can provide them

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are vital and important for our body

Vitamins and minerals are vital and important for our body, regardless of the diet we are keeping. They allow proper growth of the body, strengthening, and they also contribute to its resistance against diseases and viruses. Undoubtedly, we constantly need vitamins and minerals but it is not necessarily to take them as supplements or drugs.
See what are the signs we can see when our body needs more certain vitamins and minerals and how we can provide them to our body without the need of going to the pharmacy.


This antioxidant is converted to vitamin A in the body. We need it for a clearer vision and for a good and healthy appearance of the skin. It also contributes to the functioning of the immune system.
It should, however, not be overdosed. Research in 2004 showed that high intake of beta-carotene increases the risk of lung cancer in smokers.
Beta-carotene in the body in useful dosage can be taken with the consumption of: carrots, sweet potatoes, green peppers and other vegetables and fruits. Providing it in this way would not jeopardize the health, even in tobacco users.


Do not take calcium pills! It is not a good idea, especially for women over 70 years and in the presence or risk of developing kidney stones. Although calcium is essential for strong bones and prevents conditions, such as bone loss and osteoporosis, it should be taken sparingly.
In 2010, researchers measured the increased risk of heart attacks in women after menopause. They discovered that the limit of daily calcium intake is 500 mg and then it should be taken in combination with vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for the calcium absorption.
Otherwise, the calcium can be provided by low-fat dairy products, sesame seeds and etc.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

Intravenous Vitamins – the New Obsession of the Celebrities

Along with aesthetic procedures appears that now there is another obsession around the Hollywood stars

intravenous vitamins

Rihanna is one of the fans of intravenous vitamins

Along with aesthetic procedures and all the other methods for becoming more beautiful and look younger appears that now there is another obsession around the Hollywood stars – intravenous injection of vitamins (IV vitamin Therapy).
Among the celebrities, who benefited from the intravenous vitamins, are Rihanna and Madonna.
Intravenous vitamins can be used in two yas. You can be only injected with one vitamin, for example vitamin C or B, or you can be prepared with a “cocktail” of nutrients.
A large percentage of the people who “got” their vitamins in this way say that they feel much more energized and toned than when taking the nutrients in the traditional way.
Experts believe that injecting vitamins can be beneficial for those suffering from difficult absorption of nutrients through the gastrointestinal tract.
When vitamins are delivered intravenously, they “came into use” faster than when they are taken orally. Many people, who receive vitamin infusions, say that they feel the effects of vitamins immediately, said Dr. Robert Graham, an internist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.
Graham adds that the benefits of intravenous vitamins may be due to some degree of the “placebo effect”, a phenomenon in which a person feels better after a treatment just because he believes it works.
A study conducted in 2009 found that infusions of vitamins reduce pain in fibromyalgia sufferers and cancer patients. It is not clear whether the effect is long lasting.
Intravenous vitamin carries risks such as bruising, infection and inflammation of the vein and others. There is also the risk of a wrong dose infusion of nutrients, which can lead to sudden cardiac arrest.
There are conflicting claims about the safety of the method. Some scholars are of the opinion that taking the vitamins intravenously has considerably higher risks than taking them orally.
They recommend that the vitamins are obtained from food sources and supplements, which are not likely to harm health.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

Friday, September 28, 2012

Hit like a Girl

Sometimes a woman just needs to punch something, you know? Fight off some steam. Here, at FitStudio, we promote productive, active stress relief. Just try our MMA-based program, Knockout! Click here to sign up!

We also believe that you can embrace your tough chick within, and still be feminine. Here, our hit list of fight gear for the ladies.

  1. Everlast Hand Wraps. Calluses and bruises aren’t cute. This machine-washable gauze keeps your knuckles secure and cozy. Buy it here!
  2. Everlast Women’s 8 oz Gloves. Small enough to fit your hands snugly; light-weight enough to let you swing without arm-fatigue. Buy it here!
  3. Everlast Women’s Pro Style Grappling Gloves. Wrestle your competition to the ground safely, thanks to built-in glove padding and wrist support. Buy it here!
  4. Everlast Interval Round timer. You’re a busy woman. This clock will keep you and your workout on schedule. Buy it here!
  5. Everlast Double Mouth Guard. What woman doesn’t love couture? This mouth guard features a boil and bite design that you can customize to fit your grill. Buy it here!

Source : fitstudio[dot]com

The Greatest Factor for Great Health

There is a substance in your blood that most people have never heard of, yet can increase the risk for over fifty diseases.  It’s called homocysteine and getting your levels of this substance under control is one of the greatest things you can do for your health.

Nutrition expert Patrick Holford indicates in his book, The New Optimum Nutrition Bible that not only does homocysteine damage arteries, the brain, and genetic material (DNA), it can increase the risk for over fifty diseases, including:  Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, depression, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke and rheumatoid arthritis.

Homocysteine is a type of protein that is produced by the body and found in the blood.  It is ideally found in low levels.  Produced from an amino acid called methionine which is found in protein foods in the diet, the body normally turns homocysteine into beneficial substances including:  glutathione or S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe).

Too much homocysteine can build up in the blood increasing the formation of plaque on blood vessel walls and clogging and hardening of the arteries–atherosclerosis.

Keep reading to discover the risk factors for high homocysteine levels and how to reduce yours…

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Read more: Aging, Alternative Therapies, Alzheimer's, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes, Diet & Nutrition, Eating for Health, General Health, Healthy Aging, Heart & Vascular Disease, High Blood Pressure, Michelle Schoffro Cook, Natural Remedies, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Uncategorized, alcohol consumption, alzheimer's disease, arthritis, atherosclerosis, b vitamins, cancer, causes of disease, coffee, diabetes, Dr. Cook, exercise, folate, folic acid, garlic, health, healthy diet, healthy eating, heart attack, heart disease, homocysteine, Michelle Schoffro Cook, natural medicine, nutritional healing, plaque, rheumatoid arthritis, risk factors for high homocysteine, smoking, stress, stroke, supplements to reduce homocysteine, vitamin B12, World's Healthiest News

Source : care2[dot]com

See What a Half-Ton Woman Is Capable Of (SHOCKING PHOTOS AND VIDEO)

Mayra Rosales will become part of the history not only as one of the fattest women in the world

Half-ton killer

TLC made a movie for the unique story of Mayra

A new documentary reveals the amazing true life story of a woman who testified falsely to a murder case, but was declared innocent on the grounds that because of her great obesity she could not have committed the crime, report from Daily Mail.
The 31-year-old Mayra Rosales is the main character in the film TLC “Half-ton killer?”. The story is how in March 2008 Mayra confided to the police that she had killed her 2-year-old nephew by… sitting on the little boy! As Mayra weighed half a ton at that time, the story was taken as a credible from the police.
Medical examination proved, however, that Mayra is so fat that it is impossible for her even to move her hand, let alone torso. So the charges against Myra were taken off.

Half-ton killer

Mayra with her husband

After being repeatedly questioned by the authorities, “the half-ton killer,” as she had become known among the media, admitted lying because she wanted to protect her sister Jaime, who actually killed her own son. Mayra admitted that the same day she saw her sister repeatedly poking her child with a hairbrush.

Half-ton killer

A team is taking out Mayra so that she could attend the court trial

This happened after the little boy refused to eat breakfast. His mother was angry and hit him with the brush several times, including couple of times in the head. Then she wrapped the baby in a blanket, put him in his playpen, then went outside and left Mayra to care for the children. At one point she noticed that the child was choking and having trouble breathing. Mayra Immediately called the ambulance because she could not get up. Unfortunately little Eliseo did not survive.

Half-ton killer

The team had to get rid of the walls in order to be able to take Mayra out of the building

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

Quick Fix for Hangovers

You've probably tried every alleged hangover cure--from cold showers to hot coffee--with little success. But a remedy does exist, and it's staggeringly simple. So watch this video and learn!

Read more: Addiction, College Life, Diet & Nutrition, Drinks, Food, Fun, General Health, Health, Life, Videos, Videos, alcohol, alcoholic beverages, dehydration, hangover, hangover cure, hangover remedy, hydrating

Source : care2[dot]com

There Will Be NO Bacon Shortage

Considering the rampant enthusiasm for all things bacon over the last 5 years, it is not surprising that the bacon-loving populace would go into a collective panic when hit with the news of an impending bacon shortage. The news came a few weeks ago in the form of a series of headlines originating from the UK such as, “Global Bacon Shortage ‘Unavoidable’.” But the story (as many stories tend to) got blown way out of proportion. It is not so much a bacon shortage as it is a bacon price hike on the horizon. Maybe the headlines should have read, “Bringing Home the Bacon is Going to Cost More” (not as punchy, I know).

The reason is not lack of pigs, or even the raising of standards and practices; it has to do with corn. The crippling drought that impacted the entirety of the global corn crop, not just the United States. Remember all of those widely circulated shots of withering stalks of corn in July and August – a time when corn should be growing tall and strong? Well the devastation did not just impact the price of your supermarket corn on the cob, the reverberations extended into nearly everything because of the ubiquity of all things corn and the corn-economy that drives modern agriculture. This includes everything from ethanol in your gas tank, to corn syrup in just about everything, to animal feed. The price of animal feed went way up, not just for pigs, but cows and chickens as well. This will lead to fewer animals to feast upon, but nothing close to a shortage. Essentially expect to spend anywhere from 10% to 30% more on that bit of bacon you may love so much.

Now I am in touch with the Care2 audience enough to know that many of you could care less about bacon, meaning that the thought of choking down the fatty flesh of a pig is utterly repugnant to you. But this story is less interesting in the feared result, and more interesting in what it reveals about our unyielding dependence upon the global corn crop. The reverberations from something like this past year’s drought are profound.

What are your thoughts on bacon price hikes and/or our dependency on corn? Do these sorts of things leave you worried and upset, or do you just shrug your shoulders and dole out a few more bucks for that bit of bacon?

Why is There Bacon in Flippin’ Everything?
Olive Oil Shortage!
Bacon Cures Nosebleeds…Of Course It Does!

Read more: Blogs, Following Food, Food, bacon, bacon shortage, corn, drought, farmers, pork

Source : care2[dot]com