Saturday, September 29, 2012

When And From Which Vitamins And Minerals We Need (Part 1)

See what are the signs we can see when our body needs more certain vitamins and minerals and how we can provide them

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are vital and important for our body

Vitamins and minerals are vital and important for our body, regardless of the diet we are keeping. They allow proper growth of the body, strengthening, and they also contribute to its resistance against diseases and viruses. Undoubtedly, we constantly need vitamins and minerals but it is not necessarily to take them as supplements or drugs.
See what are the signs we can see when our body needs more certain vitamins and minerals and how we can provide them to our body without the need of going to the pharmacy.


This antioxidant is converted to vitamin A in the body. We need it for a clearer vision and for a good and healthy appearance of the skin. It also contributes to the functioning of the immune system.
It should, however, not be overdosed. Research in 2004 showed that high intake of beta-carotene increases the risk of lung cancer in smokers.
Beta-carotene in the body in useful dosage can be taken with the consumption of: carrots, sweet potatoes, green peppers and other vegetables and fruits. Providing it in this way would not jeopardize the health, even in tobacco users.


Do not take calcium pills! It is not a good idea, especially for women over 70 years and in the presence or risk of developing kidney stones. Although calcium is essential for strong bones and prevents conditions, such as bone loss and osteoporosis, it should be taken sparingly.
In 2010, researchers measured the increased risk of heart attacks in women after menopause. They discovered that the limit of daily calcium intake is 500 mg and then it should be taken in combination with vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for the calcium absorption.
Otherwise, the calcium can be provided by low-fat dairy products, sesame seeds and etc.

Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com

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