Now you are mother! Greetings! You feel great, right?
Well, in some cases you may be slightly confused because this little baby brings a whole new world! Your lifestyle noticeably change, alternate sleepless nights coupled with fatigue and stress. But this selfless devotion is deserved, because to immerse yourself in the magic of motherhood are needed not only love, but also courage and luck.
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In the early days of motherhood, many women think that it will never end … researchers found that “hell” has an end and it occurs after exactly 4 months and 23 days of birth.
This is the average time it takes for the mother to cope with the “revolution”, changing her life dramatically. In fact, after five months young mothers come in form and are now fully confident that they can handle the duties that they are being overwhelmed. They know what each cry of her baby, imaging experts describe the situation.
The mother stops worrying when goes on walk, always ready, possessing reserves of clothes, diapers and baby food. She no longer cries to the occasion and more rarely disappoints, the researchers noted.
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There is no doubt that the first days and months after the birth are quite heavy. Mother should be strong, full of energy and confident because the stress she is experiencing is not less than that of my baby. It’s needed quick recovery so that we fully take care of our child.
How to cope with postpartum depression?
Almost all women feel so happy after birth that they feel they can love everybody.
But that heady feeling is very short and quickly replaced by a sense of helplessness, anxiety, impatience, irritability … The mother is often sad, crying for no reason, suffering from insomnia and is very impatient. This is undoubtedly the symptoms of postpartum depression. Statistics show that 50 to 75 percent of new mothers suffer from frequent mood swings and meet all the symptoms that characterize this type of depression. They usually occur 4 to 6 days after birth.
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Not yet clarified the reasons for postpartum depression, scientists say it is due to the change in hormone levels and chemical processes that occur in a woman’s brain. The most common symptoms subside within ten days, but in general the process is very individual for each lady. To be able to successfully deal with this type of depression appear to be particularly useful conversations with close people is indispensable help of my dad. And since caring for the baby totally confuse the diet of the mother, the intake of a healthy and balanced diet is essential. Furthermore, you can take advantage of the time when the baby is sleeping to exercise, because the active lifestyle combined with moderate exercise will help to accelerate out of the depression.
Source : dailyhealtharticles[dot]com
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